Top 5 gardening blogs to read in 2011

Now that the UK temperature is getting to the dizzy heights of Celsius in the double-digits, it’s actually a pleasure to stop hiding away in my various garden sheds (I have two) and into my garden for a spot of horticulture.

It’s at this time of year that I turn to the online gardening experts for a) inspiration on what to plant, b) to tell me that I'm too late to plant what I was going to plant or c) I can plant what I was going to plant but not where I wanted to plant it.

Every self-respecting gardener would consider the BBC’s Gardeners’ World blog as their first stop for a quick online read but are there any other good gardening blogs out there? Yes, there are.

So what better way to kick off your gardening exploits than by checking out my top 5 favourite gardening blogs (in no particular order).

Carrots & Kids 
A great blog from Debbie Webber, a countryside mum with lots of kids so there’s a nice combination of posts on children, growing veggies and flowers. As she points out herself though, Debbie is no ‘mummy blogger' or expert gardener. Neither am I – another reason why I like her blog. She takes great photos too.

Twitter: @carrotsandkids

The Patient Gardener
An award-winning, popular blog written by Helen Johnstone, an amateur gardener from Worcestershire, who is studying for her RHS Level 2 Certificate. Helen also has a regular guest-spot on BBC Hereford & Worcester's Sunday Gardening Show.

Ryan’s Garden 
An urban-gardening blogger, journalist and chicken-rearing enthusiast who clearly knows his stuff. Though he does also have an allotment, Ryan has great advice even if you only have a small outdoor space.

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