If you have a wood burner, you have to have a supply of dry logs. And that’s 'dry' as in seasoned and 'dry' as in not dripping wet from last night rain. A log store is the answer.

an end view of logs of different sizes 2 people sitting next to a log burner

Log store plans

A good log store allows great air circulation between the logs (ideally, in a good stack the gaps between the logs should be large enough to allow a mouse to run through). All you really need is a roof on the thing to keep the rain off. Utilising the side of a shed is a great idea if it is handily placed; in fact, some of our sheds feature intergral log stores - click on the images below to find out more. Otherwise, four posts fixed into the ground with a sloping roof is great too. Run some guttering around it to a water butt and it really begins to work in the garden.

a small wooden shed with single door and lean-to shelter on the left hand side, housing logs and a green wheelbarrow a large wooden shed with a single door, featuring a log store on the left hand side

However, some of the best log stores aren't simply dumped at the bottom of the garden (make them easily accessed to avoid last minute and freezing trips for emergency logs) as they can be structures of beauty. Especially when stacked with logs. Pyramid shapes, for example, become style statements in a garden.

How much you use your wood burner will dictate how big the store should be – or perhaps how many logs you can get your hands on is the guide to size. It's best to go as big as possible as it is surprising how many logs you can burn on a cold night and, if buying in, it is cheaper to buy unseasoned wood and dry it over time yourself. Just don't go so big that you need to apply for planning permission for your store– but that would be a lot of logs.

If you're searching for a new log store, why not take a look at our terrific selection of products? Click here to view our full range. Which is your favourite storage unit, (we love the pyramid log store)? Let us know in the comments section below - we'd love to hear your thoughts. And, remember, should you have any questions about any of the units featured on this page, don't forget to contact us - our friendly, UK-based customer service team are always happy to help.